
March 4, 2024 Staff Update: Forward with Oracle ERP Update

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March 4, 2024 Staff Update: Forward with Oracle ERP Update

Dear Colleagues—

We are pleased to provide an update on the Oracle Cloud ERP human resources and fiscal services implementation project. This is a significant project for our school system that will elevate our systems, streamline processes, and enhance overall efficiency.
Key Highlights of the Oracle Cloud Implementation Project:

  1. Modernized System: Our transition to Oracle Cloud will provide us with a modern system that will allow us to manage personnel and resources.
  1. Enhanced User Experience: Oracle will empower our staff to navigate and utilize the system effortlessly, ensuring a seamless experience.
  1. Efficient Processes: Expect streamlined processes, from recruitment to benefits administration, fostering efficiency and allowing us to focus more on what truly matters – our students and their education.
  1. Robust Reporting: Oracle's advanced reporting capabilities will enable us to make data-driven decisions, offering insights into workforce trends, employee performance, and much more.

Please note, the Oracle Cloud implementation will update the current processes for 

  • Payroll & Finance
  • Employee Self-Service 

Project Timeline and Go-Live Date:

The implementation journey is underway, and we are excited to go live with Oracle HCM (Human Capital Management) and Advanced HCM by March 2025. The Oracle FIN (Finance) implementation will follow and be available for use by April 2026. Our dedicated teams are working tirelessly to ensure a smooth transition, and we are confident that the new system will revolutionize the way we manage our workforce.

What to Expect: In the coming months, you can anticipate regular updates, training sessions, and opportunities for your feedback. We are committed to ensuring that the transition is as seamless as possible for all our staff.

Get Involved: We encourage you to stay engaged throughout this process. Your input is invaluable, and we want to hear your thoughts and suggestions as we embark on this critical work together. We are excited about the positive impact Oracle Cloud will have on Team BCPS!
Please contact the Organization Change Management Leads with any questions or concerns:

Baltimore County Public Schools

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