
Wellness Policy Triennial Assessment

The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA) of 2010 required all Local School Systems participating in federal child nutrition programs to update and expand their written wellness policy by June 2017 and publicly report on school-level wellness policy implementation beginning in June 2020 and every three years thereafter (“the triennial assessment”). 

The responsibility for developing, implementing, and evaluating a wellness policy is placed at the local level, to address the unique needs of each school.

The mission of the Maryland Wellness Policies and Practices Project (MWPPP) is to enhance opportunities for healthy eating and physical activity for Maryland students by helping schools and school systems create and implement strong and comprehensive wellness policies.  The MWPPP is also a resource for school systems to meet the HHFKA provisions.  Wellness policies can improve food choices, dietary intake, and physical activity for students and staff. However, to be effective, a wellness policy must be implemented, monitored, and assessed.

Based on the HHFKA, the written wellness policy and any policy updates must be made available to the public on an annual basis, and all three components of the triennial assessment must be made publicly available by June 30th, 2020. *

*Due to pandemic response, triennial assessments were allowed to be waived until June 30th, 2021. 19 out of 24 school systems have waived reporting until the June 30th, 2021 deadline.


The information below provides the required data of the triennial assessment:
MWPPP Data Briefing Report 2018-2019

MWPPP Baltimore County WellSAT 3.0

BCPS Wellness Policies and Practices Aggregate Summary Report 2018-2019

BOE Policy 5470:Wellness

Superintendent's Rule 5470: Wellness

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