
Consulting Teacher

 What is the PAR Program? 

The Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) program is a support process for developing skilled teachers to positively influence student outcomes. PAR provides support to two categories of Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) teachers: new teachers to the profession and tenured teachers who have been identified as ineffective or underperforming.

What is a Consulting Teacher (CT)? 

Consulting Teachers are teachers in their field who have consistently demonstrated the ability to deliver high quality instruction. The primary function of a Consulting Teacher is to provide the consistent support necessary to develop skilled teachers that positively influence student learning. Consulting Teachers observe classroom performance, facilitate reflective conversations with teachers assigned to their caseload, and build the teachers’ knowledge base and repertoire of teaching skills. They focus on equitable teaching practices and evidence of student learning to drive coaching conversations with client teachers. Consulting Teachers also collaborate with principals and other school staff to provide maximum assistance to assigned teachers. 

What is the duration of the CT position? 

This is a 3–5-year position with the possibility of an extension to 8 years. Consulting Teachers should plan to remain in this role for a minimum of 3 years. This position also includes the maximum responsibility factor for each year serving as a Consulting Teacher.

                 What areW What are the duties of a CT?

  • Assist new, first, and second-year teachers as well as identified tenured teachers assigned to their caseload.
  • Employ the coaching cycle which includes observation, data analysis, reflective conversations, goal setting, demonstration lessons, curriculum implementation, team teaching and best instructional practices.
  • Maintain communication with assigned teachers and the administrative team.
  • Develop a body of evidence to document teacher progress. Prepare and submit interim and final reports to the PAR panel regarding each teacher on their caseload.
  • Work with teachers on their caseload to increase their knowledge base and skill level to optimize student achievement.
  • Engage in professional learning on various topics such as equity, coaching, and instructional practices.
  • Collaborate with other Consulting Teachers, school-based instructional and program leaders.
  • Maintain communication with PAR leadership about assigned teachers.
  • Attend monthly Consulting Teacher staff meetings and small group equity meetings for ongoing training and professional learning.

What are the qualifications needed to be a CT? 

  • Bachelor’s degree in education or related field. Master’s degree preferred.
  • At least 5 years of successful teaching experience.    
  • Experience with BCPS system-wide initiatives such as equity trainings, culturally responsive teaching, curriculum implementation/writing, social-emotional wellbeing of students/staff, and community engagement preferred.
  • Training in the BCPS Framework for Teaching and Mentoring the New Teacher preferred.
  • Experience in mentoring/coaching, conflict resolution, working with adults in providing professional development and support, school-wide initiatives such as climate teams, equity teams, and school improvement teams preferred. 

What is the interview process? 

Qualified applicants are notified and invited to participate in the interview process. The interview process consists of two parts: a panel interview (consisting of principals and current Consulting Teachers) and a written assessment, where applicants watch a recorded lesson and respond to questions. Applicants who meet the cut scores are entered into the Consulting Teacher Candidate Pool, where they remain eligible for a CT position for 2-3 years and are invited to a follow-up interview with PAR Leadership when a position becomes available.

When can I apply? 

The CT position is posted each February for needed content areas/levels. The interview process for the CT Candidate Pool is in March and April. Interviews to fill vacancies from the CT Candidate Pool occur in May.

Please contact Andrew Peregoy, Supervisor of Peer Assistance and Review, with any questions. 

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