
Archived Key Reports

Report Report Description 
Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA) Results 2021 This report provides the BCPS performance on the KRA assessment. KRA results are reported to show an overall student performance score (Composite Score). In addition, scores are reported for the four assessed domains. (Updated with State Composite Score information from MSDE.)
2022 Fall Kindergarten Readiness Data Report  The Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA) is designed for students entering kindergarten to measure a student’s readiness across multiple domains, including language and literacy, mathematics, physical well-being and motor development, and social foundations. The KRA uses multiple item types, including selected response and performance tasks to measure specific skills and behaviors to determine overall readiness for kindergarten, as well as readiness in each of the four domains.
 MAP Winter  
2022 Winter MAP Results  
2023 Winter MAP Results  
2018-2019 BluePrint Metrics Data and Transition to New Strategic Plan - EXTERNAL This report presents the goals and measures of the former strategic plan, BluePrint 2.0
2023 Winter MAP Results In the Winter of 2023, the MAP Growth assessments in ELA and Mathematics were administered to BCPS students in Grades K–8 from Tuesday, January 24 through Friday, February 24, 2023. Student results are reported over time by scale score and percentile rank for achievement and growth.
2022 Stakeholder Climate Survey System Report The Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) Stakeholder Climate Survey polls all facets of Team BCPS and focuses on the five areas of the BCPS strategic plan, The Compass: Our Pathway to Excellence: Learning, Accountability, and Results; Safe and Supportive Environment; High-Performing Workforce and Alignment of Human Capital; Community Engagement and Partnerships; and Operational Excellence. The survey contributes vital information to the evaluation and improvement of key activities that drive student and organizational performance including school progress planning and allocations from Title I-IV federal grants.
BCPS Projected Four-Year Graduation Rates for the Adjusted 2019-2022 Cohort Data Report.pdf The Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) Projected Four-Year Graduation Rates for the Adjusted 2019/2022 Cohort as of September 9, 2022, Data Report provides projected four-year adjusted cohort graduation rates by system and school level. As of Friday, September 9, 2022, BCPS is projected to have an overall 2019/2022 Adjusted Cohort Four-Year Graduation Rate of 84.4%. The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) is expected to release the Official 2019/2022 Adjusted Cohort Four-Year Graduation Rate in Winter 2023.
The Compass: Our Pathway to Excellence—Overview(Accessible) The Compass: Our Pathway to Excellence is the eight-year strategic plan BCPS created to raise the bar, close gaps, and prepare all students for our future.  For the Compass: Our Pathway to Excellence-Overview Print Ready copy- Click here.
2022 Local Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Consolidated Strategic Plan Annual report submitted to Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) provides an update on progress toward student achievement goals, including reporting on the use of Federal and State grants and COMAR requirements for 1) Gifted and Talented and 2) Comprehensive Teacher Induction and Mentoring for the 2021–2022 school year.
2022 Spring MAP Results Data Report
In the Spring of 2022, MAP Growth assessments in ELA and Mathematics were administered to BCPS students in Grades K–2, from May 2 through June 3, 2022. Student results are reported over time using scale scores and percentile ranks for achievement and growth.
2018 Ensuring Equity Students and Families Experiencing Homelessness This report identifies challenges in serving students and families experiencing homelessness in Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS). Legislation exists to help protect the rights of students experiencing homelessness by requiring school systems to adhere to specific guidelines. For the purposes of this program review, legal mandates were used to benchmark current practices and to identify areas for improvement.
2023 Spring MAP Results Data Report
In the Spring of 2023, the MAP Growth assessments in ELA and Mathematics were administered to BCPS students in Grades K–2, from Monday, May 8 through Friday, June 2, 2023. Student results are reported over time using scale scores and percentile ranks for achievement and growth.
2019 Bullying Experience of Nonbinary Students Understandings of gender identity have shifted in recent years, and many individuals in the United States now recognize that gender is not confined to two binary categories. This report utilized information from the 2019 BCPS Stakeholder Survey to explore school climate of secondary nonbinary students.
2022 Fall Kindergarten Readiness Data Report The Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA) is designed for students entering kindergarten to measure a student’s readiness across multiple domains, including language and literacy, mathematics, physical well-being and motor development, and social foundations. The KRA uses multiple item types, including selected response and performance tasks to measure specific skills and behaviors to determine overall readiness for kindergarten, as well as readiness in each of the four domains.
2019 Stakeholder Survey System Report The Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) Stakeholder Survey polls all facets of Team BCPS and focuses on four areas: academics, safety and security, communication, and organizational effectiveness. The survey contributes vital information to the evaluation and improvement of key activities that drive student and organizational performance including school progress planning and allocations from Title I-IV federal grants.
2020 Stakeholder Survey System Report The Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) Stakeholder Survey polls all facets of Team BCPS and focuses on four areas: academics, safety and security, communication, and organizational effectiveness. The survey contributes vital information to the evaluation and improvement of key activities that drive student and organizational performance including school progress planning and allocations from Title I-IV federal grants.
2020-2021 School Turnaround Literature Review This document examines theoretical and empirical literature related to the growth trajectories in The Compass: Our Pathway to Excellence, Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS).

Four-Year Adjusted Cohort Graduation and Dropout Rate 2020 Cohort-suppressed On February 23, 2021, MSDE released the Four-Year Adjusted Cohort Graduation and Dropout Rate for the Class of 2020. This Executive Summary provides the trend data for graduation and dropouts for the classes of 2018, 2019, and 2020. This data is aggregated for all students as well as presented for each of the student groups – race, SE, EL, and FARMS. In addition, the appendices provide the three-year trend in graduation and dropout rates for each of the high schools.
BCPS Disproportionality Plan and Equity Metrics Data Overview (Response to October 2020 BOE Request) This report was requested by the BOE for data on inequities among BCPS students receiving special education services. Along with data the request included action steps to address these inequities.
SAT Board of Education Update
In The Compass: Our Pathway to Excellence, the Purpose statement intentionally establishes expectations for BCPS to increase achievement for all students while providing a variety of pathways to prepare students for career, college, and service. The “College and Career Readiness Score on SAT” (CCR) is an achievement marker on the BCPS College and Career Ready Pathway. The 2019 SAT Day Participation and Performance Data Report shares participation and data results from our most recent SAT Day administration for Grade 11 students from the spring 2019, as well as next steps in reporting the spring 2021 SAT results. 
2021 Stakeholder Survey System Report The Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) Stakeholder Survey polls all facets of Team BCPS and focuses on four areas: academics, safety and security, communication, and organizational effectiveness. The survey contributes vital information to the evaluation and improvement of key activities that drive student and organizational performance including school progress planning and allocations from Title I-IV federal grants.
The Compass: Our Pathway to Excellence End of Year 2021 Executive Summary The Compass: Our Pathway to Excellence End of Year 2021 Executive Summary provides an update on the BCPS strategic plan unanimously adopted by the Board on July 14, 2020. This update includes information about the Office Progress Plan (OPP) and School Progress Plan (SPP) processes, as well as the System Improvement Team (S.I.T.) for the 2020-2021 school year. Additionally, the summary provides a look ahead to the 2021-2022 school year with The Compass serving as our true north to raise the bar, close gaps, and prepare every student for the future.
BCPS 2019 ESSA Consolidated Strategic Plan: Federal and State Grant Applications and COMAR Requirements The Local Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Consolidate Strategic Plan replaced the Maryland Bridge to Excellence in Public Schools Act (formerly BTE/Master Plan). Annual report submitted to Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) provides an update on progress toward student achievement goals, including reporting on the use of Federal and State grants and COMAR requirements for 1) Gifted and Talented and 2) Comprehensive Teacher Induction and Mentoring for the 2018–2019 school year.
BCPS 2020 ESSA Consolidated Strategic Plan: Federal and State Grant Applications and COMAR Requirements Annual report submitted to Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) provides an update on progress toward student achievement goals, including reporting on the use of Federal and State grants and COMAR requirements for 1) Gifted and Talented and 2) Comprehensive Teacher Induction and Mentoring for the 2019–2020 school year. Due to COVID, school closures, and the various learning related plans submitted by Local School Systems (LSS), MSDE did not require LSS to submit the goal/content component of the plan for focus areas.
BCPS 2021 ESSA Consolidated Strategic Plan: COMAR, and Federal and State Grants Annual report submitted to Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) provides an update on progress toward student achievement goals, including reporting on the use of Federal and State grants and COMAR requirements for 1) Gifted and Talented and 2) Comprehensive Teacher Induction and Mentoring for the 2020–2021 school year. 
Fall 2021 Assessment Results-Early Fall Assessment (Mathematics and ELA) This report provides systemic results on the Early Fall Assessments in conjunction with Fall MAP results. The Early Fall Assessment results are different than the usual state reporting. Local School Systems (LSS) are provided with the average number of points correct and the percentage of students at each of the three performance levels. MAP results have not changed from prior years. It is even more important this year as we move forward from the effects of the COVID–19 closures to always use multiple data points when making instructional decisions for students whether at a classroom level or a curricular level.
Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA) Results 2021 This report provides the BCPS performance on the KRA assessment. KRA results are reported to show an overall student performance score (Composite Score). In addition, scores are reported for the four assessed domains. (Updated with State Composite Score information from MSDE.)
2021-2022 EOY Compass Report.pdf Grounded in BCPS Board Policy 0100: Equity and guided by the Compass Commitments and Equity in Action Commitments, The Compass: Our Pathway to Excellence is our strategic plan and designed to prepare each child in BCPS to graduate ready to enter their chosen career, career training, military training, or credit-bearing college coursework. The Compass–2021–2022 End of Year Update Executive Summary provides an update on how Team BCPS is putting The Compass into action to raise the bar, close gaps, and prepare every student for our future. This executive summary is presented in alignment to the expectation set forth in Board Policy 3170: Performance Management System for Continuous Improvement.

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