
Core Values

Belief Statements/Core Values
 Boys sitting in cube chairs

  • We believe that every adult involved in early intervention and preschool services can change the trajectory of a child’s life forever.
  • We believe that families are our children’s first teachers and are essential partners in the early intervention and education process.
  • We believe that every child needs to be considered a child first. Their diagnosis or other life circumstance is not the sole definition of who they are or what their future holds.
  • We embrace and respect each family’s culture, and are committed to providing services that are compatible with each family’s beliefs and customs.
  • We are committed to creating a culture of respect and success in every interaction with children and their families, schools, community partners, and colleagues.
  • We are committed to collaboration among families, community agencies, private partners, and schools as essential for optimizing opportunities for children.
  • We are committed to making early intervention and preschool services and programs available and accessible to all families in their neighborhoods.
  • We believe it is critical to provide opportunities for all children to learn and interact with their typically developing peers, with the supports necessary to ensure success.
  • We believe that as stewards of public resources, we are responsible for offering an efficient and equitable system for all participating children and families.



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