"Inspiring Wellness" Awards
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Prior to COVID, I was pretty healthy for someone in their early 50’s. I’m not implying I was some kind of extreme fitness person, but I ate healthy, went to the gym at least 4 nights a week, took group exercise classes, went on daily walks, and ran 1-2 miles weekly.  I rarely missed work due to illness. When Covid hit, the gym was closed so I increased my walking/running routine. Yes, some things slacked off, but I continued to eat healthy and moved (i.e. – walk, run, yoga) every day. 

Then (what nobody wants to hear) I was diagnosed with Stage II breast cancer. MRIs, biopsies, chemotherapy every three weeks (for a total of 4 rounds), followed by 21 consecutive days of radiation became the norm. My outings consisted of visits to the cancer center and CVS. I had no strength for the gym. The physical and mental toll was intense. My entire world was turned upside down. 

There are so many cases of cancer, and mine is not special, still I’m hoping by sharing what I did to get through it will help others. First, I used the Wellness Center at the cancer center on a regular basis which included “Healing Touch”, acupuncture, and massage therapy. I meditated prior to each chemotherapy infusion, and I leaned on my friends. But I feel the single most important physical activity during treatment was WALKING!  I walked as much as possible.  As soon as I had the strength after a chemo treatment, I walked. I started slowly and built up to 2 miles before my next treatment. Not only did walking keep me moving physically, it also helped me mentally. It wasn’t always easy. I was weak and tired, it was cold, and I had no hair!  But the sun was shining, and I was determined. Afterwards, I felt so much better.

Fast forward to today – I am cancer-free!!  Although I’m not (physically) where I was pre-Covid, I am grateful for all that I can do, and the sun is still shining! My advice is to take care of your body and soul. It sounds cliché but eating right and exercising regularly (even if it’s just walking), really can save your life. I truly believe if I had not started my cancer journey with a healthy lifestyle, I would have had a very difficult and long recovery. 

Life happens quickly and can change with no warning. Be as strong as you can be now both mentally AND physically, and you’ll be grateful later. 

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Posted by [email protected]  On Apr 04, 2024 at 12:57 PM 1 Comment
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